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Intellectual Property Analysis
Patsnap offers flexible intellectual property data solutions to meet the diverse needs of governments, universities and enterprises. Covering over 170 patent offices, our real-time API access and daily updates empower you to make efficient decisions and manage risks, enhancing operational efficiency and staying ahead of the competition!
Corporate - Innovation Intelligence Platform
Use Case
Enterprises face multiple challenges in building innovation intelligence platforms: difficulty in acquiring large-scale, comprehensive, standardized, and timely high-quality intelligence data globally. The complexity and cost of processing this data are high. The vast amount of data requires a dedicated team for effective processing, and the lack of real-time updates limits the intelligence platform’s efficiency, hindering timely and effective business decision-making.
Patsnap Solution

Patsnap offers comprehensive solutions to help enterprises build efficient and intelligent innovation intelligence analysis platforms. By integrating multidimensional data from PatSnap, including global company information, patents, and scientific literature, businesses can create a complete knowledge base through batch deployment and internal data integration. Advanced analytical tools and intelligent algorithms enable deep intelligence mining and insights, offering accurate, real-time support for decision-makers.

Our Advantage
  • Real-time Updates: Access to the latest intelligence for swift decision-making.
  • Global Coverage: Comprehensive data across companies, patents, and literature.
  • Bulk Data Acquisition: Efficient gathering of large data sets.
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Fapon Biotech | Sanofi